Amanda's Journeys

Monday, July 03, 2006

Inside CEPE

This is inside the infamous CEPE. The photo is of the courtyard. CEPE is open air and the doors to the classrooms come off of this courtyard. We have been very lucky in that it has not yet rained during school. It seems to only rain in the late afternoon and evening. I wonder how the sky knows when to rain... So this is where we spend our days during the week. The courtyard is generally filled with the students of CEPE chatting and playing on their laptops.


  • At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wait a second...this is where you are going to school??? I had this idea in my head that it was going to be in some really dumpy, yicky, old, dark, dreary, scary building..... I am glad that I am wrong...This is very beautiful and clean and tasteful....WOW !!!!
    Love, Mom


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