Amanda's Journeys

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

More from PV

These are some rocks that we got to snorkle around which was really cool. The only downfall being that several people got stung by jellyfish, I almost did but saved myself.


  • At 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Way cool....Glad you escaped the jelly fish stings...How did you save yourself? They really hurt, don't they? Youch.... Did you see lots of underwater creatures? Tell me more...tell me more...
    Love ya. Mom

  • At 12:59 PM, Blogger Amanda Marie said…

    I freaked out and paddled my body away, you cant even see them until they are right next to you because the water is kind of merky. it was scary because a bunch of people did get stung. but i stayed away from its nematocytes, aka stinging parts.


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