Amanda's Journeys

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My First Baking Experience in Mexico

This is my host mom Esthella, she is an excellent cook and used to sell her pastries. Now she works at CEPE as the instructor for the cooking class that is offered. At one time I was thinking about signing up for this class, but now I suppose I dont need to do that. I translated my recipes into spanish and Esthella bought the ingredients, then helped me around the kitchen. The cake was great and I even learned a few things, but the cake didnt even last until the next afternoon, everyone loved it. Now she wants me to translate more of my recipes so we can make something new everyweek. How exciting is that?


  • At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi: Wonderful talking to you. Fantastic photos, what a perfect match, as much as you love baking, to get a "host Mom" that loves that also. Your cake is beautiful but not as beautiful as U.
    Love, Grandma & Grandpa


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