Amanda's Journeys

Friday, June 30, 2006

La Lucha Libre

Lucha Libre is basically Mexican wrestling. It is very different from what I have heard about American wrestling. The experience involves more than just the “Luchadores” (fighters), but it involves the entire crowd of people as well. The crowd does this thing where the men stand and chant something that signifies that the attractive woman that they are pointing at is supposed to stand and do a turn. If she doesn’t they boo and curse at her. The wrestlers even get involved occasionally. They will stop the match and get out of the ring, bring her to the front and give her a spin. Then she can go sit back down. Also during the break between matches they have a sort of competition where they invite two women up onto the ring to do a dance. The girl that won at this match was the one who was dancing around the judge/announcer in a sexual manner. This man is the same man who declares the winner, of course. The last fight of the match was between two wrestlers, one dressed in pants that held the colors of the American flag and the other in Mexican colors. When the “American” won the first round half of the crowd did this chant and pointed at the students from CEPE who had been dumb enough to cheer for the “American.” The chant was a loud “F*** **U” over and over again, and in English, of course, for their benefit. None of the CEA students did any of the encouraging of the “American” so hopefully we were left out of the loop on that “cheer.”


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