Amanda's Journeys

Friday, June 30, 2006

At Brasil's

This is a restaurant in Puerto Vallarta, but I am told that is is well known in the US as well. The meal cost $17 for girls and $19 for guys, cause they eat more I guess. And it is all you can eat. They have many appitizers that are quite good, but the real fun is the main course. What happens is a waitor comes around with a 3 foot long sword skewered with meat in one hand and a butcher knife in the other, he sticks the point of the sword on your plate and cuts you off a slice. This happens over and over again the entire time you are there. It was something to behold. A group of about 15-20 of us went to this restaurant.


  • At 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Mandi, the pictures are great! It looks like you've had sunny weather a lot, and the waterfall and swimming look like a lot of fun. How does the food compare to what we could get in a Mexican restaurant in the Midwest? G. looks like a nice city with clean air and a lot of color. Enjoy!!!

  • At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It looks like soooo much fun....soak it all up....I want to come and play, too!!!! Have a to you soon. I love your blog pictures and keeps us all in the loop and makes it seem like we are part of your adventure as well....Thanks for keeping it updated...
    Love ya to bits....


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