Amanda's Journeys

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Puerto Vallarta

This last weekend all of the 30 students in my specific program went on an organized excursion to Puerto Vallerta. While there we took to the town, and to the sea. There was a boat tour, snorkling, horseback riding, and a waterfall. One free night my friends and I went swimming in the ocean, and there were these bioluminescent things (maybe algae) floating in the water. We had a great time. My birthday was this last sunday and the whole bus load of students sang, one of my friends even got me a personal sized cake. Aside from the 6 hour bus ride to and from Guadalajara my birthday weekend was great. I have loads more to tell you about and more pictures to upload so stay informed. Hasta luego.


  • At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yippee, finally you blogged....yeah... So glad to hear from you, and see your picture.... I am so glad that you are having sounds wonderful... Can't wait to hear more. Love ya, Mom

  • At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Amanda: G & G are also very glad to see your smiling face. Miss you, but what a great experience you are having.
    Happy 21 year old.
    Love U. G & G


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