Amanda's Journeys

Friday, June 23, 2006

Host Home Sweet Host Home

This is a picture of the view from my balcony. I recognize the house by the "copa de oro" or cup of gold vine that grows over the front of it. This is our street and this is our view. My very own balcony, well I do share it with two other people, but I am the only one who has taken advantage of it thus far. Our house is close to the bus route that takes us within 3 blocks of school, so that is helpful too. I'll talk more about our bus adventures later. Ta ta for now.


  • At 6:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love it....just are a very lucky girl...soak it all in and enjoy....

    Love ya, Mom

  • At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It looks like you're having a good time, although from what you told us, I don't know how you have a minute to spare!!

    I'm enjoying your pictures because this is probably the closest I'll ever be to Mexico, so keep them coming....

    Love, Aunt Judy


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