Amanda's Journeys

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Viva Mexico

So Mexico I am finally here, it has taken me a while to write because of how busy I have been. There is never a dull moment. Things are very different here than what I am used to and it is all very exciting and scary at the same time. I miss home, but I am glad that I am here. I have wanted to do this for so long, and hey so far this is the longest time that I have been out of the country. I am enjoying myself very much, but still missing several things from home, most I can do without, and the rest well I call or write to them nearly every day. I am learning a lot and having a great experience that will last my whole life through. I am doing, seeing, and learning so many things, I wish I could share them all with my friends and family. Some day maybe I will. I hope you all are having an excellent summer. Love you, hasta luego.


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