Amanda's Journeys

Friday, June 23, 2006

La Catedral Nueva

This picture is from the city tour we took in the first week of our stay here. It is of La Catedral Nueva and it is the tallest building in Guadalajara (mostly because it is not allowed to build any higher than the height of the cathedral). It is a beautiful work of art, as are many of the other buildings and structures here in Guadalajara and all of Mexico. The architecture is one of my favorite things about being here. There are amazing places around every corner, and they are very into fountians. I love to take pictures of these beautiful buildings and works of art. I hope you enjoy them. Hasta Luego.


  • At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mandi--Hi from Gramps. I'd love to paint a picture of this, bring a good one home. Have fun.
    Hasty Lumbago, Gramps & Grams


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