Amanda's Journeys

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Lovers Reunite

This cross is the largest one in the cemetery. It was put there for a very good reason that follows a very tragic story. Once there were two young lovers, the boy was from a very rich family, but the girl's family was very poor. Natrually the boys family refused their union and would not allow them to marry. The lovers were so upset by this, knowing that they would never be allowed to be together in life, found comfort in thier union in death. They both killed themselves that night. And then the family finally realized that their love was true and they were wrong to try and stop it. Only they were too late. The family built a large memorial to thier son and the girls family buried her somewhere else. The family of the boy later decided that they should really be buried together and asked permision to exume the girl to bury her next to their son. There are two stone crosses encircled by a stone wreath of roses there below the large cross where they now recognize their true love and unity.


  • At 7:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ok, I'm not going to ask why you were wandering around a cemetery after dark.....Charlie likes cemeteries too, now that I think about it.

  • At 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds vaguely one of Billy S's stories......


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