Amanda's Journeys

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

He Died of Fright

This poor young boy was diagnosed with an incurable disorder when he was born, to help him sleep at night his parents always left a lamp burning so he would not be afraid. Miraculously the child lived for two years and every night his parents kept that lamp burning. But one night someone forgot to refill the lamps and the light went out. They say that he died out of fright of the dark; others say the disorder finally got him. Was it a coincidence or was it fright? His heartbroken parents buried him in this cemetery. But the next morning they found the coffin above ground, so they reburied it. This reoccurred 5 consecutive nights, until they decided that this was happening because their son was afraid of the dark and did not wan to be buried. They then left the stone coffin above ground. His parents also had constructed 4 stone pillars with stone lamps on the tops of them, so that their son could rest in peace and not be afraid. They say that if you pass this coffin and do not give him a sweet or toy, he will haunt you.


  • At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Please tell me you left something for haunting allowed...


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