Amanda's Journeys

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Vampire of Guadalajara

This is no ordinary tree, knotted and gnarled it is the beginning of a dark ledgend that starts here in Guadalajara. It is told that this man reaped havoc on the town of Guadalajara, back when it wasn't as big a place as it is now. He stole away young babes and children in the night. One night though the towns people captured this "Vampire" and stuck a wooden stake through his heart. They put him in a coffin and buried him in this cemetery. They say that from that piece of wood grew a giant tree that encompassed the coffin of this man so he could never return to the land of the living. For if he were to escape from this wooden prison, he would return to Guadalajara to seek his revenge on the people there, that had once, long ago, stolen his life.


  • At 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow....Wow....?????..... Wow.....


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