Amanda's Journeys

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Los Guachimontones

The Guachimontones are a grouping of circular, pyramid like, structures. This one stands about 10 meters high, it is one of them that has been restored, there is also another one that is larger that has not yet been restored. Around each of these structures is a set of platforms that encircle the circular structure creating 3 concentric circles in total. There are several of these at Guachimontones of various sizes. I took this photo while standing on part of the larger, unrestored structure (which is covered in grass and trees, it was almost like climing a small hill). These Guachimontones fascinated me so much that I almost got left behind. No not really, but they all decided to leave 30 min before the scheduled time, so I was off doing what we were supposed to be doing, exploring the past, when the next thing I know everyone is on the bus ready to leave. So off I go like a good little girl and get on the bus too. It was not really fair though, I do wish I could have stayed longer, just not forever, and get left behind. Maybe I will return to them someday.


  • At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is really something out of a storybook...and that you are getting to see in real life...lucky mandi....


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