Amanda's Journeys

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Ball Court at Guachimontones

This is a ball court of an ancient civilizacion. Here they played ball games for many purposes. If there was a dispute between two men they fought it out on the ball court. They would take 4 of thier best ball players and play a game. The dispute would have had to be quite grand because the captin of the loosing team would be beheaded, and his family and teammates would be given to the captain of the other team. Yikes, I hope that didn't happen often. But on the other hand if the game was being played as a religious event the captian of the winning team would be beheaded, and they believed that by dying in this manner they would become an imortal god in the afterlife. Quite different I must say. They also say that this game was played a bit like football, but you could only use your hips. They they also played from dawn till dusk and then counted up the points to see who would be the one to get beheaded. Interesting huh?


  • At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    They really don't know how to use their head, huh?


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