Amanda's Journeys

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Instituto Cultural Cabanas

Yet another cultrual experience. This is one of of the murals of Jose Clemente Orozco. It is painted on the upermost ceiling of the tower in the center of the building. We went with CEA on an excursion to this museum. There are very many murals of his, and each tells a story. The building that housed these murals was magnificent. I loved the architecture of this amazing building.


  • At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow, this is really impressive. I love these kinds of buildings. All so meaningful.

    We are really missing you although it is great to see such fantastic photos.

  • At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey mandy. its megan. hope you are having a good have really amazing photos!!!!!we hope to see you soon!!!


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