Amanda's Journeys

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Chapala Again

I love to take pictures!!! I like this one especially. Lake Chapala en the background and these fun looking trees in the foreground.


  • At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This looks like something I saw on a Gilligan's Island episode....
    tee-hee. Just kidding... It really looks so peaceful and serene... Was the water deep? Was it clear?

  • At 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Mandi

    I finally checked out your blog. It is ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL!!!!! I am so excited for you getting to experience all this, like a once in a lifetime opportunity, and it looks like you are not wasting a minute of that opportunity. Good for you! Your pictures are great, maybe photography should be your minor. HA! So much interesting stuff you are experiencing. I just think it is terrific. It's nice that we have technology that allows you to share your travels with us folks stuck back here. Take Care. Janelle


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