Amanda's Journeys

Monday, August 07, 2006

How did some of Chuck's Artwork End up in this Museum?

Wow, this looks a lot like something Chuck would have cooked up, but the truth is unless he lived several hundred years ago in some Indian village, it belongs to some other artist. Hey, maybe that is where he gets his style of art from. Well, I think Chuck's style is better anyway, he would have added way more detail. I guess you've got one up on all of those ancient Indian civilizations artwork Chuck.


  • At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Awesome Mandi...thanks for sharing that with me. Youre right, I think I could do better...ha-ha....LOL. Art is learning. See you later... Love Chuck

  • At 6:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How funny....I bet Chuck's artwork could be in a museum somewhere...and we could be rich and travel around the world....and....wake-y wake-y...I must have been dreaming again...


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