Amanda's Journeys

Friday, August 18, 2006

Study Girl

Yes I know you all thought that I didnt study, but HA. Finals came and I had to do a bit of that. No, I am kidding, I study all the time, but naturally I didnt take any photos of it. How boring would that have been. "OK well I studied again last night, here's the pic, then I studied again tonight, here is another pic." Well that would just be silly, but anyway. Just to prove to you all that there is a school involved with midterms and finals and all that jazz, here I have a picture. So now there is proof. I did occasionally study. Yup, not just all fun and games, not that I dont wish it were. It was even difficult at times. Well, a bit. Now I am very excited because all of my finals are done, finito, terminado, cumplido, y no hay mas, yay!!!


  • At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah....studying is even look cute studying....I'm so excited to see you I am bursting at the seams....tomorrow night...I can't wait to hear all of your stories....yippeee...Love ya


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