Amanda's Journeys

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Road to Mazamitla

This was our road trip to Mazamitla, we rented a car and drove there. It was so much fun and we saw some amazing sights.


  • At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi There: I realize you are very confortable by now , but don't get too cozy, I liked it when you were with the group.
    Question: Will you be going back to the mercado before heading back ? Rather than put why on your blog, ask Mom when you call her, OK?
    Love, Grandma Ginny & Grandpa too
    Some neat zoo photos, I too loved the giraffe .

  • At 7:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It looks like you are having a great time and that the people you are with must be fun - or at least tolerable! :)

    You know that tree picture you sent? Where they're cut in squares? They do that in L.A. too - we got such a kick out of that!

    Take care - love Aunt Judy


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