Amanda's Journeys

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Machete Dance

I am in a latin dance class and we are going to be having a preformance tomorrow. There is one dance that we have to wear these flowy skirts and the guys have to clang machetes around. It is a simpler dance for the girls, but the guys have a little extra work to do in this one. While they do the hard part of the dance, we sway our skirts and look pretty. We do more difficult steps in other dances that we will also be preforming, where the girls have to do more movement. They are all really fun to do though. I am thinking about taking another class when I get back home. It is a good work out and a lot of fun.


  • At 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I thought I told you to stay away from people with machetes...and now look at you. I think you are just looking for trouble! Just kidding around. :)

    Love ya,


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