Amanda's Journeys

Monday, July 17, 2006

My Friend the Komodo Dragon

This is obviously a statue that I am sitting on, but the real komodo dragon is behind me beyond the glass. Yes, that oh so deadly komodo dragon, the largest lizard in the world, and I stood only meters from it. There are only a few thousand of them left in the world, and one of them is housed right behind me in this zoo. They eat large prey and are supposed not be a serious threat to humans, but knowing that a single bite from them would kill me, I would definately keep my distance. I'd hate to be the one to clean that cage.


  • At 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow...very cool....
    You are adorable, of course, and way cool that you got to see a Komodo dragon. They are actually quite interesting creatures....weird, forked-like tongues and they are big and heavy and can climb trees and run fairly fast.....very neat.... Was the one that you saw very active or did it just sit there? Either way it is pretty cool that you saw one...and like I say they are quite interesting...check 'em out on "google"...they are pretty cool.

    Love ya,



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