Amanda's Journeys

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Dells Weekend

I got the girls some small cute gifts to have fun with this weekend. And they got some stuff from the hotel. We had a blast going down the water slides and swimming in the wave pool. The boys played basketball in the water all weekend. We also went to a casino, my first time.

David's Graduation and Party

The Farm

This summer we built a large fire pit to have bonfires and parties at. Thus far David has used it more than Dan and I have. :)

Jake's Prom

Jake took Rena, a Japanese exchange student, to prom this year. Our house was the picture house, and we

had 10 kids over to take pics in their lovely dresses and tuxedos.

Jake's Confirmation

Happy Birthday Mom

Our First Apartment

Finally out of the dorms. Life is so much better here.

Valentine;s Day

How sweet.

Volunteering Withing at Relay for Life

I am part of a volunteering orgainization that is called Volunteering Within. This year I went with them to Relay for Life. It is a 12 hour run/walk from 6pm to 6am, where you must have a team member on the track at all times. They also have themed laps, and games and food on the side. The goal of the relay is to raise money for the American Cancer Society. I ended up sleeping through most of the laps. This year in La Crosse it was held in our own UWL rec center.

Locks for Love

This January I got my hair chopped off for locks for love. I had been holding off on cutting my hair for a while. I think mom was more relieved than I was that I finally got it cut.

Globetrotter Game

We went to this game during Christmas vacation.

Tess the Christmas Elf

Gingerbread House Contest

We attended a gingerbread house making contest and we won the "Most Decorated" gingerbread house award. It was a ton of fun and I hope to be involved in it again next year.


This Halloween Jake, Dan, and I were very busy. We volunteered at a Run/Walk to help the disabled children of the La Crosse area. We also helped out at

the White Hall Trick or Treat and Trek or Treat which I was instrumental in running in the Hall. We all had a very good time and felt very satisfied in making one of our favorite holidays into a great volunteering experience.

Jake's Homecoming

Jake went to homecoming with Aimee, the exchange student from Germany.

Jake's Football Games

Dressed Up Dan


In September Dans family always goes up to Warrens WI to go to this festival. We always have a great time exploring the craft fair, flea markets there, and the parade. But most of all it is fun to hang out with everyone who comes up to the land they own up there.

Ella the Gangsta Rappa

My Publicity

Leadership Camp

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Exec Study

I was the Publicity Coordinator in White Hall for first semester and part of the second. This is where we would plan things and have meetings. It was also our own private study room.

Super Hero Execs

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Safe and Sound in Wisconsin

Friday, August 18, 2006

Study Girl

Yes I know you all thought that I didnt study, but HA. Finals came and I had to do a bit of that. No, I am kidding, I study all the time, but naturally I didnt take any photos of it. How boring would that have been. "OK well I studied again last night, here's the pic, then I studied again tonight, here is another pic." Well that would just be silly, but anyway. Just to prove to you all that there is a school involved with midterms and finals and all that jazz, here I have a picture. So now there is proof. I did occasionally study. Yup, not just all fun and games, not that I dont wish it were. It was even difficult at times. Well, a bit. Now I am very excited because all of my finals are done, finito, terminado, cumplido, y no hay mas, yay!!!

Saturday, August 12, 2006


On our Photo Scavenger Hunt one of our objectives was to find some mariachis, so we headed towards the plaza of the mariachis, it is kind of like a mariachi hangout. You know, where they go so if people want some mariachi music they know where to go. They all have matching outfits and everything. So on our way to the plaza we ran into a group of them and before we could ask they volunteered themselves for a picture or two. They were very nice, but came a bit too close for comfort. I guess I have to remember that in Mexico you dont have a personal space, not in this culture.

Las Nueve Esquinas

The Nine Corners, is what this place downtown is called. It is so named because there are so many streets that intersect that you literally have to turn every block to go in one general direction. Left then right, then left then right, then left then right, then left then right, then left, or something to that effect. It was an interesting place that we found. And because of these jagged roads it is renowned through out the entire city.

Los Arcos de Zapopan

We explored another small city that is included in the grandure of Guadalajara, it is actually closer to our house than school is. Only and 8 min bus ride. They had a lot of really nice architecture.

Estadio Jalisco

This is where we saw a futbol game, yes they call it futbol, not football, no, futbol meaning soccer. And you know, it makes more sense if you think about it, really. It was cool, I have never been to a soccer game before, it was interesting, and the home team won. Some of our group really put on the team spirit with their masks, scarves and shirts.

National Culinary School in Guadalajara

This was part of a CEA excursion, we went to a culinary school to get taught about Mexican cooking. We took a four hour class here and learned a lot. We got all dressed up in chef gear, we had aprons and those tall chef hats too. We made salsas and some other fun and interesting dishes. They also gave us a folder of recipes of the dishes we made so that we could bring the culture back with us.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


These guys are in college and they make a little extra profit by going around town playing songs for a tip. They are pretty cool and dress in old fashion clothes and play old fashion instruments as well. This was part of our photo scavenger hunt, to find these guys and get a cool pic. I think we did just fine.


There are many tunnels running through Guanajuato because of the large mountains and old mines. They turned these mines through the mountains into roadways where people drive or walk, we had the chance to walk through one of these tunnels and get a few pix. This one is of Riley posing for the camera.

Monday, August 07, 2006

San Miguel de Allende

These are some pictures of this small town outside of Guanajuato. There is a very extravagant cathedral and in front of it is a large zocalo, town square, where people gather and stroll around town. It is like a carnival or some kind of fair, there are people walking around selling things, large markets and lots of people just kind of hanging around. This was a sunday and after church the people hang out to chat with each other and be with familiy.

Sunset in Guanajuato